
‘KeyRaider’ iOS malware targets jailbroken devices - butlerarece1971

Credential for more than 225,000 Orchard apple tree accounts have been purloined by well-informed malware that targets modified iOS devices, according to Palo Alto Networks.

The malware, which is nicknamed KeyRaider, enables attackers to download applications from Apple's App Store without compensable or to lock devices in lieu of a ransom.

"We believe this to be the largest known Apple account statement theft caused by malware," wrote Claud Xiao of Palo High-pitched Networks in a blog post.

Palo Alto Networks notified Apple of KeyRaider along Aug. 26 and provided the stolen news report information, Xiao wrote. Apple officials in Sydney couldn't constitute immediately reached on Monday.

KeyRaider can only infect those who induce "jailbroken" their Apple device. Jailbreaking removes Apple's protections that limit what apps can personify installed along a device. Apple advises against jailbreaking for security reasons.

Palo Alto Networks investigated KeyRaider with an amateur technical group in China known as WeipTech. A extremity of that radical, WHO is a student at Yangzhou University, discovered the attack, Xiou wrote.

KeyRaider has been spread by being organized into jailbreak tweaks, or software packages that allow some recently function to be run off on iOS. The malware has been found within tweaks published on the Weiphone forum for jailbroken phones.

keyraider Palo Alto Networks

A new kind of iOS malware, KeyRaider, can also shut up phones and demand a ransom.

IT is suspected that a user, who goes by the username "mischa07" happening Weiphone, may beryllium responsible for seeding KeyRaider to his face-to-face repository of apps. The same user name was hardcoded into KeyRaider as the encryption and decryption key for the malware, Xiao wrote.

An analysis of mischa07's repository shows the user has uploaded many tweaks to Weiphone, including ones that allow users to cheat along games, tune their systems and cartoon strip advertisements from apps.

KeyRaider taps into system processes within Cydia, which is the application used for downloading apps for jailbroken phones. Information technology steals Apple account usernames, passwords and a gimmick's GUID by intercepting iTunes traffic, which it crapper then use to fraudulently download apps. The malware also collects certificates, private keys and purchase receipts.

In other stylus of flack, KeyRaider was used for at the least one ransomware try out. The malware can "locally disable any kind of unlocking operations, whether the correct passcode or password has been entered," Xiao wrote.

One someone reported their call was locked and showed a message to contact someone over the QQ heartbeat messaging service.

The stolen account information was found by WeipTech on a command-and-control server that communicates with KeyRaider-infected phones. That server had security vulnerabilities which allowed the group to obtain the stolen data. Only KeyRaider's authors figured out something was going on.

WeipTech only recovered about half of the purloined accounts "before the assailant fixed the vulnerability," Xiao wrote.

WeipTech was set rising as a Service for people to see if their account was among those compromised, he wrote.


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